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Spring Forward

It’s Time to Spring Forward

In Saskatchewan, where I live, we do not participate in Daylight savings time. I didn’t even know this prior to moving here but what I know now is that I do not miss it at all! I’m even more thankful now that I am a mother that I do not need to worry about fall back and spring forward. Kids can be so sensitive to schedule changes!

There is still some time before the clocks go ahead for most regions of the continent but it’s never to early to plan ahead and decide on the best strategy for your child.

Gradual Shift Strategy

Use this strategy if your little struggles with going off schedule. Let’s say your child normally goes to bed at 7pm. On the first night, you’ll do bedtime at 7:45pm, on the second night 7:30pm, third night 7:15pm, then finally on the fourth night you’ll be back at the 7pm bedtime. Do 15-minute shifts, for nap times too!

Split the Difference Strategy

Use this strategy if your little adapts more easily to schedule changes. Let’s use the same example of a 7pm bedtime. So, one the first three nights after the time change (Sunday-Tuesday), you are going to put your child to bed at 7:30pm. Then on Wednesday, you’ll put your child to bed at their usual 7pm bedtime! Use this same 30-minute shift for naps too!

With either strategy, it’s important to understand that any shifts in schedule take time to fully adjust. It may take a couple weeks for your child to adjust to the time change.

The other important thing about shifting schedules is that the time your child wakes up mattes. Even though it may feel nice that your child wants to sleep in until 8am after the time change, you should wake them at their usual time to maintain their total sleep needs. Follow the same shift in schedule for wake times as you are for bedtime and within a few days you will have your little back on their usual schedule.

The only exception to the wake rule is if you already have an early riser…in that case the spring forward time change may actually work in your favour!

I know that daylight savings time changes can be difficult but the good news that comes with spring forward is that Spring is just around the corner…hopefully!

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