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Sleep Is Life Changing

Sleep Changed My Life

A few weeks ago I did a poll on Instagram, about what people wanted to see for my next blog post. It was a tie between introducing quiet time and my story. Quiet time was last blog topic, so this week I’m sharing my story.

Here is My Sleep Story:

The first two weeks after Carolina was born were so great, she slept so well and we kept saying, “this is too good to be true”… and it was! At around three weeks of age, our sweet little sleeper disappeared. Ryan was back to work, my mom was headed home after being with us for three weeks and Carolina quickly became a very fussy little baby.

She was taking hours to settle down for naps and bedtime, she woke every hour all night long. I was feeling so alone in this sleep struggle. Ryan was working shift work and long hours, we don’t have family anywhere near us and I had no clue what I was supposed to be doing.

Lack of Sleep is Life Changing

We often joked that Carolina was a “fitness baby” because she was only content if someone was walking or bouncing with her. She would scream anytime I would sit down. I’m not even exaggerating when I say that I would walk around the house, carrying my newborn for three-six hours trying to get her to sleep.

Walking, bouncing, nursing, singing, bottles, nothing worked. When I would finally put Carolina down in her bed, she would wake half an hour later, before I even had the chance to fall asleep, shower, or eat. This went on for weeks and I was a complete rage monster and hating every second of motherhood.

I have very few pictures from the newborn stage. I took this one to capture this season of life. Exhausted but so relieved that my baby was finally asleep.

Did it Just Magically Get Better?

When Carolina was about three months old we had a magical month where she slept eight to twelve hours straight every single night. Looking back it wasn’t all the magical, it still took me hours to get her settled for naps and bedtime so by the time she was actually down for the night it was around midnight. At the time I didn’t care – I was sleeping and so was she. What did it matter how or when she fell asleep? As long as she was sleeping, right? Well…This new found sleep was short lived when at four months she started waking multiple times a night again.

The 4-Month What?

Two and a half years ago, I did not know what a sleep regression was but we were in the thick of the dreaded four-month sleep regression. I Googled all the variations of “how to get my baby to sleep” and came out with zero solutions. Just some theory that a sleep regression was when a previously good sleeper began to wake frequently and that it would only last for 2-6 weeks.

That’s a big wad of bull *you-know-what*.

False Hope

This theory literally had me believing that these night waking would just stop after 2-6 weeks. The truth is that you need to help your child through a regression.  Read my blog about how to get through the 4-month sleep regression for realistic expectations.

A Regression That Lasted 5 Months?

Carolina’s four-month sleep regression did not magically resolve after a few weeks. It went on for months and months. It would take me longer to get her down for a nap than she would actually sleep and night wakings were occurring every single night. I had no clue what to do and brushed it up to it being normal.

I was exhausted because my entire day seemed to consist of trying to get a baby to sleep. My husband was exhausted too from working long hours and coming home to a miserable wife and a fussy baby. I had no idea what I should be doing so we just continued on in a sleep deprived haze hoping that sleep would just appear in our lives if we waited it out. It never did!

Sleep is life changing

FINALLY when Carolina was nine months old, we had just got back from vacation and I was done with the horrible sleep for all three of us. Once we finally committed to sleep training and started seeing results, our lives were forever changed. Our fussy baby was no longer sleep deprived, Ryan and I were no longer sleep deprived and our entire family was happier. We were finally enjoying being parents!

Two well rested smiles! Two months after sleep training.

The Birth of Lavender Littles

One of the greatest moment of parenthood for me was when I sat reading a bedtime story to Carolina and she gestured for me to put her in her crib. My baby who used to fight sleep with every fiber of her being was now asking me to put her in her crib! That was a moment of pure joy and reassurance from Carolina that teaching her independent sleep was the right decision.

I literally couldn’t believe it!

I decided to become a sleep consultant so that I could help other parents capture this same feeling. To find the joy in their parenthood and get the sleep their entire family needs and deserves.

Why Lavender Littles?

Lavender, as you may already know, is an herb known for it’s relaxation benefits. Relaxation and sleep go hand in hand so it felt fitting in that sense. I also wanted to honour my grandmother in some way. She was always a guiding light in my life so I figured if she was somehow a part of my business that it would thrive upon a foundation that was as strong, ambitious, creative and compassionate as her.  

Lavender was her favourite scent – I burned lavender candles for years after her passing and that smell always makes me think of her. I’ll spend my entire life missing her and hoping to make her proud.

I mean, she’d probably think this business idea is a little out there because back in her day this was not an option. You just sucked it up! But I’d like to think that I am proving her and so many other people wrong. The service I have to offer is so needed and valued by those who truly understand the impact of sleep deprivation. You do not need to “just suck it up”.

My grandmother would come around, I know she would. Plus, she should just be happy I didn’t use my original name idea. Originally I wanted to incorporate her middle name, Joy, into my business name. She always hated her middle name so I decided to honour her with something she actually liked.

Now I’m Helping Other Families Get Life-Changing Sleep

So, there you have it. My story! How my struggles early on in motherhood has led me to the privileged position of helping other families get some life-changing sleep. I’m grateful for that experience because if gave me a purpose and a passion. If you’re reading this then I truly hope you are benefitting in some way too!

I’m proud of what I am building, I’m proud of the message I’m delivering, and I’m proud of all the families who are prioritizing sleep and allowing me the honour of supporting them through it.

Sleep deprivation does not need to be a badge of honour that you wear as a parent. There are other options and I will spend my life preaching that message. If you’re overwhelmed with your child’s sleep (or lack of sleep), then let’s chat. You do not need to suffer alone. I want to help you!

Sleep changed my life and I just don’t see how I would be the mom I am today without it.

Much Love,


P.S. Stay tuned for later this week when I give you a poll option in my Instagram stories to choose the blog topic for February 15th.

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